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A few truthful words from the heart...

I posted a snipit (more of an essay) of information onto my Facebook page last night and the response has been wonderful. *If you missed it - see paragraph below for last nights post!* After a long think about the way I run my business I’ve decided I have to be a bit more disciplined than I’ve ever been before. 

I’m currently in my 4th year of business and it’s definitely been a learning curve up until now. I’m always quite relaxed with the way I handle my enquiries. I’m professional and know exactly what I need to ask, but am also friendly and approachable. I’m the same face to face. I like to ‘chat’ to my clients and get to know more about them. I like to feel a part of their wedding morning, prom or whatever event they are going too. A lot of my past brides, bridesmaids and first time clients have gone on to become second, third, fourth, fifth time clients etc. It’s always lovely having a chat with my regulars and catching up on all of the news. They become less and less like ‘clients’ and more like friends each time. There’s a few of whom I’d definitely now call friends. 

So with all of that being said I’ve also decided I need to stop being so soft on times, because at the end of the day this is my job, my life and my means of living. 

There are times when I give people the benefit of the doubt about bookings or do favours which often leave me in the lurch and then also out of pocket, but I’m the kind of person who understands that it’s life - it happens, and I go about my day without holding a grudge. It’s no big deal! There’s also times when people forget to book in fully or don’t make it known what they want exactly. They are then left disappointed when whatever date or time they wanted is now gone and been given to someone else who’s taken it upon themselves to complete the booking properly. This happens a lot! It’s out of my control. 

So my new disciplined way of working is going to be all about the deposits!! I know it may sound silly to most of you as obviously that it was should be done anyway, but there’s times and occasions when it actually doesn’t happen like that. Things happen in people’s lives, maybe they are short of funds for that moment in time or whatever and need a week or so to pay it. That’s always been when I’d say ‘yes of course that’s fine no problem, pay it when you can’. But like I said above, it’s usually one of those times when I end up being left in the lurch.... obviously!

So to make it easier and clearer for everyone, I am now taking deposits for all wedding makeups, wedding trials, prom makeups and prom trials. Yes even the trials will require a deposit! Occasion and going out makeups will remain as they are and all bookings already in will also stay the same... So no need to worry! I had a crazy amount of panicky messages last night from a few who hadn’t fully read my post and quickly assumed the worst. I apologise if I made you stress for a moment! 

Hopefully this will put an end to the miss haps of clients thinking they’ve booked when they haven’t, me being left in the lurch when I could’ve taken other bookings and everyone knowing where they are. Once it’s in the bank, it will go in the diary....!

Thank you to everyone for your continued support. I really do have some wonderful clients, industry friends and professionals who understand the complications of running a business and also new brides, clients and followers who totally understand the way in which things should work. 

I’ll post last nights ‘essay’ below incase you missed it and want to read it!

Thanks again,

Jess x

**********LAST NIGHTS POST**********

Evening all! Just a quick note whilst it’s still on my mind. This is regarding any conversation we have about bookings, weddings, trials etc. A lot of people message me to chat about possible dates for their bookings, whether it’s for wedding dates, trials or nights out etc. Most just want to know if I’m available before they decide to book. So unless we’ve finalised a time, place, how many it’s for etc - it’s not going to be booked in. If you’ve asked for a date and just left it at that without giving me any other final details then I have nothing to book in. Please be aware that I have people messaging me all the time and dates flying around left, right and centre. Once I’ve replied to you I will also then probably be answering someone else assuming you’ll reply and answer any questions that I’ve asked regarding whatever we’ve been chatting about. So please please please don’t just assume it’s booked in if I either haven’t said it is or if things aren’t finalised and the conversation ends mid flow. If a date is available when you first message me but don’t book and then assume it’ll still be free weeks later, it can’t be guaranteed. If I kept all spaces free for all the enquiries I had then I wouldn’t have any work. I hope you can understand this? So from now on there will be changes to the way things work. I won’t be able to take bookings for weddings and proms without deposits first... this applies to trials too. I can no longer be responsible for assuming you want to book, or not, and so are no longer able to do favours by booking in dates without deposits. There will be a £10 deposit per person for wedding/prom dates and then also a £5 deposit per person per trial, depending if you choose to have one or not. All occasion bookings will still apply as normal and all bookings already taken will stand as they are. Thank you in advance for your understanding. Sorry for all the seriousness...Looking forward to seeing your beautiful faces soon. Jessica x 

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