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Veil Cover Cream Review
As you may have seen on one of my Facebook posts recently, I was kindly sent the Veil Cover Cream ‘Professional Kit’ to try out and...

A few truthful words from the heart...
I posted a snipit (more of an essay) of information onto my Facebook page last night and the response has been wonderful. *If you missed...

Website Photography Credits
As you may have noticed, I have recently updated my website. As a result of this I have used the following images taken by different...

My trip to London for Cancer Research
I spent Monday to Wednesday this week traveling to, working in and travelling home from London. It was my second time working with Cancer...

A Week of CATS
Last week I spent the week helping Antonia, a member of The Port Talbot and District Amateur Operatic Society, get ready for her role in...
New look to the website...
Hi all. This is just a little post to say that the website now has a whole new look! I have realised recently that I haven’t updated this...
Airbrush vs Conventional
“What is the difference between airbrush make-up and conventional make-up?” This is a question I get asked all of the time. How do you...

Jet Setting Couple of Weeks!
The last time I posted a blog was a month ago. I was in the process of sorting through my make-up kit to take abroad with me for my...
Packing my make-up kit to take abroad..
So in a matter of days I will be jetting off to Florida with my family. My cousin Ben Powell is marrying the lovely Helle Frederiksen...

Here's To My Second Year Of Business...
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! What a difference a year makes... It's officially been a whole year since I decided to cut some strings and...
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